Small Business owners have had to make difficult decisions over the last year and yet another one is upcoming. As the statewide mask mandate ends and not all cities are leaving their mask mandates in place, small business owners will need to decide what is best for their individual business and employees.

The changes in the statewide mask mandates can present challenges to business owners. Whatever the right choice for your business in regards to wearing masks in consideration of your local mandates, we have a few tips to help through the transition.

  • Communicate: You will need to communicate your business policy via in store signage, social media, and email communication.
  • Try a new sign: The current mask signs have been in place for almost a year and many customers will just look right past it. Download a new Mask Policy sign we created if you are choosing to leave a mask policy in place or if it is still required by your city or industry.
  • Educate and Equip: Make sure that you educate and inform your staff thoroughly on what your policy is and even “the why” behind your policy. If you are waiting to get your entire staff vaccinated or until a certain percentage of our community is vaccinated, then let them know. Their buy-in and support will be critical in winning buy-in and support from your customer base.

Please feel free to reach out to your consultant if you have any questions about how to communicate your mask policy!